Aggregate | Base class for aggregates of packets; main subclass is Trace |
AlarmEvent | Element wrapping an Alarm for an AlarmQueue |
AlarmListener | "interface" defining an object that can be polled by a clock |
ArithmeticAttribute< lType, rType, resType > | Attribute to compute an arithmetic function involving other attributes and/or constant values |
ArithmeticException | Exception resulting from arithmetic operations |
ArithmeticOverflowException | Exception resulting from arithmetic operations |
ArithmeticUnderflowException | Exception resulting from arithmetic operations |
ArrayAttribute< T > | Attribute that is an array (ordered list possibly with duplication) of other values |
Attribute | Base class for representing data attributes of packet aggregates |
AttributeFunction | A function used in the computation of an attribute value |
ByteCountAttribute | Specialized attribute; wraps a call to count the number of packets in an aggregate |
CHDLCPacket | Object representing an Cisco HDLC datagram |
Clock | A clock allows us to compute time-based metrics by generating events at pre-set time intervals wrt the trace being generated |
ClockListener | "interface" defining an object that can be polled by a clock |
CompoundPacketFilter | |
ConcretePacketAttributeValue< T > | A set of templated attribute value types |
ConsecutivePacketFilter | Matches a packet if the packet is the next packet in its trace to the previous packet seen by this filter |
ConversationTrackerAttribute | Class for tracking and computing statistics about conversations |
Decomposition | Class encapsulating the breakdown of a Trace into substreams according to some criteria |
DuplicateElementException | Attempt to add an element to a data structure which already contains an effectively identical one |
DurationAttribute | Attribute to measure the duration of an agggregate in seconds |
ElementNotFoundException | Unable to find a requested element in a data structure |
EthernetPacket | Object representing an Ethernet datagram |
FilteredPacketListener | PacketListener that checks the packet against a filter before passing it along to the listening object |
FilteredStreamListener | Class to deal with stream events |
FullIPv4SessionKey | Session key that includes both IPv4 and transport layer addresses |
GhostPacketDataMembers | Data members for ghost packets |
Histogram< T > | Class for creating a histogram summarizing a data set |
HistogramAttribute< T > | Attribute that is a histogram |
HistogramBin< T > | |
IndexOutOfBoundsException | Exception indicating that someone tried to access something at an index that is beyond the bounds of the container; e.g. trying to access packet 1025 in a Trace with 2 packets |
InfiniteHistogramBin< T > | Histogram bin that is infinite in either the +ve or -ve direction |
InsufficientDataException | Indicates that a packet was too short for some operation (e.g. access of a field beyond the end of the packet) |
InvalidAggregateTypeException | Exception resulting from the attempt to use a particular Aggregate subtype in an invalid context |
IPAddr | |
IPv4Addr | |
IPv4Demux | Demultiplex a stream of IPv4 packets by src addr, dest addr, and IP next protocol |
IPv4Filters | Collection of PacketFilters for IPv4 packets |
IPv4Key | StreamKey used to decompose an Aggregate by host pair |
IPv4Packet | Object representing an IPv4 datagram |
IPv4Sessionizer | Take a demuxed stream of IPv4Packets and sessionize them |
ListenerConflictException | Exception resulting from event listeners disagreeing about a follow-on action to an event |
LLCPacket | Object representing an LLC datagram |
MemoryAttribute< T > | Attribute for remembering values of other Attributes or PacketAttributes |
NotResettableException | Exception resulting from attempting to reset an attribute that can't be reset as expected |
NullKey | Dummy key indicating no key is being used |
NullPacket | Object representing an null datagram |
Packet | A datagram of some sort |
PacketAttribute | An attribute of a packet; the available attributes depends on the type of the packet |
PacketAttributeValue | Class containing a value for a PacketAttribute |
PacketCountAttribute | Specialized attribute; wraps a call to count the number of packets in an aggregate |
PacketDataMembers | An abstract base class to support the mechanisms designed to handle ghost packets |
PacketDrivenMemoryAttribute< T > | MemoryAttribute for remembering values from packets |
PacketFilter | |
PacketListener | Interface for objects that want to be notified when a new packet is added to an Aggregate |
PcapFilePosition | Wrapper for pcap_position_t from modified libpcap |
ProtocolParser | Encapsulates the processing of a packet stream to create another packet stream |
QcapAdaptor | |
RealPacketDataMembers | |
std::runtime_error | |
SampledMemoryAttribute< T > | MemoryAttribute for remembering values of other attributes of the parent aggregate |
ScalarAttribute< T > | A calculation or observation that resolves to a single value |
SessionKey | StreamKey used to decompose an Aggregate by transport-layer session |
SetAttribute | An attribute that is a set (unordered list without duplication) of other values |
SimplePacketFilter | |
SimpleTCPParser | |
SingleOutputParser | ProtocolParser that outputs to a Trace - i.e. single stream of packets |
StaticScalarAttribute< T > | Cute li'l wrapper to make it easier for Attributes to support subattributes |
StreamedOutputParser | ProtocolParser that outputs to a Decomposition - i.e. multiple streams of packets |
StreamedTCPParser | Take a demuxed stream of IPv4Packets and sessionize them |
StreamedUDPParser | Take a demuxed stream of IPv4Packets and sessionize them |
StreamEvent | Class to communicate events to a StreamListener |
StreamKey | Superclass for classes used to distinguish between streams in a Decomposition |
StreamKeyWrapper | Hack to let me use an STL map for Decomposition |
StreamListener | |
StringFormatException | Indicates an error that occurred while parsing a string expected to be in a particular format |
SumAttribute< T > | Computes a summary of the specified property |
TCPFilters | Collection of PacketFilters for TCP packets |
TCPPacket | Object representing a TCP datagram |
Timeval | |
Trace | Aggregate containing a packet trace |
TraceIterator | Iterator for Trace |
TransportKey | StreamKey used to decompose an Aggregate by host pair and transport protocol |
UDPPacket | Object representing a UDP datagram |
UnknownAttributeException | |
UnseatedPacketUseException | Exception indicating the inappropriate use of a packet which is not properly seated |
ValueOutOfRangeException | Exception raised by attempting to add a value to a bin whose range does not contain it |