#include <iostream> // cout, cerr #include <string> #include "data_structures/basic_types.h" // Timeval #include "data_structures/PacketFilter.h" #include "data_structures/Aggregate.h" // Trace #include "protocols/parsers/QcapAdaptor.h" #include "data_structures/Packet.h" #include "protocols/parsers/IPv4Demux.h" #include "protocols/parsers/StreamedTCPParser.h" #include "protocols/parsers/StreamedUDPParser.h" #include "attributes/ByteCountAttribute.h" #include "attributes/HistogramAttribute.h" #include "protocols/datatypes/IPv4Filters.h" #include "protocols/datatypes/TCPFilters.h" #include <sys/times.h> // CPU times for profiling using namespace std; int usage( void ) { cerr << "Usage: test_harness <pcap>" << endl; return 0; } int main( int argc, char **argv ) { int printout_packets = 0; int printout_conversations = 0; int printout_histograms = 1; int profile = 1; struct tms checkpoint; struct tms tms; if( ( argc < 2 ) || ( argc > 2 ) ) { usage(); exit(1); } if( profile ) { times(&checkpoint); cerr << "Profiling started" << endl; } // basic attributes PacketAttribute timestampAttrib( "frame.time" ); PacketAttribute capLenAttrib( "frame.cap_len" ); PacketAttribute pktLenAttrib( "frame.pkt_len" ); // IP attributes PacketAttribute ipSrcAttrib( "ip.src" ); PacketAttribute ipDstAttrib( "ip.dst" ); PacketAttribute ipProtoAttrib( "ip.proto" ); // TCP attributes PacketAttribute tcpSrcAttrib( "tcp.srcport" ); PacketAttribute tcpDstAttrib( "tcp.dstport" ); // prep a TCP filter const PacketFilter *const tcpFilter = IPv4Filters::IPV4_PROTO_TCP; // prep a UDP filter const PacketFilter *const udpFilter = IPv4Filters::IPV4_PROTO_UDP; // prep a ICMP filter PacketFilter *icmpFilter = NULL; icmpFilter = new SimplePacketFilter( PacketAttribute( "ip.proto" ), ConcretePacketAttributeValue<int>(1), SimplePacketFilter::EQUAL ); // prep a compound filter for ozymandias PacketFilter *ozyFilter = new CompoundPacketFilter( SimplePacketFilter( PacketAttribute( "ip.src" ), ConcretePacketAttributeValue<string>( "" ), SimplePacketFilter::EQUAL ), SimplePacketFilter( PacketAttribute( "ip.dst" ), ConcretePacketAttributeValue<string>( "" ), SimplePacketFilter::EQUAL ), CompoundPacketFilter::OR ); // prep a compound filter for ozymandias TCP PacketFilter *ozyTcpFilter = NULL; ozyTcpFilter = new CompoundPacketFilter( *tcpFilter, *ozyFilter, CompoundPacketFilter::AND ); // prep a compound filter for shakespeare PacketFilter *shakespeareFilter = new CompoundPacketFilter( SimplePacketFilter( PacketAttribute( "ip.src" ), ConcretePacketAttributeValue<string>( "" ), SimplePacketFilter::EQUAL ), SimplePacketFilter( PacketAttribute( "ip.dst" ), ConcretePacketAttributeValue<string>( "" ), SimplePacketFilter::EQUAL ), CompoundPacketFilter::OR ); // shakespeare udp PacketFilter *shakespeareUdpFilter = NULL; shakespeareUdpFilter = new CompoundPacketFilter( *shakespeareFilter, *udpFilter, CompoundPacketFilter::AND ); // TCP port 22 const PacketFilter *const sshFilter = TCPFilters::TCP_PORT_22_SSH; // TCP port 22 - StreamKey filter const PacketFilter *const sshStreamFilter = TCPFilters::TCP_PORT_22_SSH_STREAM; // TCP port 80 const PacketFilter *const wwwFilter = TCPFilters::TCP_PORT_80_WWW; // TCP port 80 - StreamKey filter const PacketFilter *const wwwStreamFilter = TCPFilters::TCP_PORT_80_WWW_STREAM; // TCP port 993 const PacketFilter *const imapsFilter = TCPFilters::TCP_PORT_993_IMAPS; // TCP port 993 - StreamKey filter const PacketFilter *const imapsStreamFilter = TCPFilters::TCP_PORT_993_IMAPS_STREAM; if( profile ) { times(&tms); cerr << "Built filters : " << ( tms.tms_utime - checkpoint.tms_utime ) << " user, " << ( tms.tms_stime - checkpoint.tms_stime ) << " sys" << endl; checkpoint = tms; } // set up the parsing infrastructure string filename( argv[1] ); // create an IP trace and populate it with the contents of the pcap file Trace ethTrace; // ethernet packets Trace ipFragTrace; // IPv4 fragments Trace ipTrace; // non-fragmented and reassembled IPv4 packets Decomposition ipDemuxed; // IPv4 packets demuxed by (src,dst,proto) Decomposition tcpSessions; // TCP sessions Decomposition udpSessions; // UDP sessions ByteCountAttribute bytecount; ByteCountAttribute bytecountPayload(false); // add histograms to individual TCP streams, and for ssh, www, and imaps streams int lengthBounds[23] = { 0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 9, 19, 39, 49, 99, 179, 235, 268, 349, 449, 515, 548, 649, 999, 1379, 1380, 1431, 1472 }; Timeval delayBounds[8] = { Timeval( 0.000001 ), Timeval( 0.0001 ), Timeval( 0.001 ), Timeval( 0.01 ), Timeval( 0.1 ), Timeval( 1.0 ), Timeval( 10.0 ), Timeval( 64.0 ) }; // set up the decompositions with bytecount attributes // set up the IPv4 demultiplexer Trace *ipTemplate = new Trace(); ipTemplate->addAttrib( "bytecount", bytecount ); IPv4Demux ipDemuxer( ipDemuxed, ipTemplate ); ipTrace.addListener( ipDemuxer ); Trace *tcpTemplate = new Trace(); tcpTemplate->addAttrib( "bytecount", bytecount ); tcpTemplate->addAttrib( "bytecount_payload", bytecountPayload ); // per-stream length and delay histograms tcpTemplate->addAttrib( "length_hist", HistogramAttribute<int>( PacketAttribute( "tcp.len" ), lengthBounds, 23 ) ); tcpTemplate->addAttrib( "delay_hist", HistogramAttribute<Timeval>( PacketAttribute( "frame.time_delta" ), delayBounds, 8 ) ); // packet counts and length and delay histograms for all packets from particular applications tcpSessions.addAttrib( "ssh_pkt_count", PacketCountAttribute( *sshFilter ) ); tcpSessions.addAttrib( "ssh_length_hist", HistogramAttribute<int>( *sshFilter, PacketAttribute( "tcp.len" ), lengthBounds, 23 ) ); tcpSessions.addAttrib( "ssh_delay_hist", HistogramAttribute<Timeval>( *sshFilter, PacketAttribute( "frame.time_delta" ), delayBounds, 8 ) ); tcpSessions.addAttrib( "www_pkt_count", PacketCountAttribute( *wwwFilter ) ); tcpSessions.addAttrib( "www_length_hist", HistogramAttribute<int>( *wwwFilter, PacketAttribute( "tcp.len" ), lengthBounds, 23 ) ); tcpSessions.addAttrib( "www_delay_hist", HistogramAttribute<Timeval>( *wwwFilter, PacketAttribute( "frame.time_delta" ), delayBounds, 8 ) ); tcpSessions.addAttrib( "imaps_pkt_count", PacketCountAttribute( *imapsFilter ) ); tcpSessions.addAttrib( "imaps_length_hist", HistogramAttribute<int>( *imapsFilter, PacketAttribute( "tcp.len" ), lengthBounds, 23 ) ); tcpSessions.addAttrib( "imaps_delay_hist", HistogramAttribute<Timeval>( *imapsFilter, PacketAttribute( "frame.time_delta" ), delayBounds, 8 ) ); // set up the TCP parser StreamedTCPParser tcpParser( tcpSessions, tcpTemplate ); ipDemuxed.addListener( tcpParser ); // set up the UDP parser Trace *udpTemplate = new Trace(); udpTemplate->addAttrib( "bytecount", bytecount ); StreamedUDPParser udpParser( udpSessions, udpTemplate ); ipDemuxed.addListener( udpParser ); if( profile ) { times(&tms); cerr << "Initialized aggregates : " << ( tms.tms_utime - checkpoint.tms_utime ) << " user, " << ( tms.tms_stime - checkpoint.tms_stime ) << " sys" << endl; checkpoint = tms; } // process traffic QcapAdaptor qcap(filename); // start reading packets - demultiplexing and sessionizing will be done as packets are added to // ipTrace qcap.getIPTrace( ethTrace, ipFragTrace, ipTrace ); if( profile ) { times(&tms); cerr << "Built IPv4 trace : " << ( tms.tms_utime - checkpoint.tms_utime ) << " user, " << ( tms.tms_stime - checkpoint.tms_stime ) << " sys" << endl; checkpoint = tms; } TraceIterator it = ethTrace.begin(); TraceIterator end = ethTrace.end(); if( printout_packets ) { int count = 0; while( it != end ) { // cout << "(a) " << it.toString() << endl; try { // cout << "(b) "; cout << (*it).getAttrib(timestampAttrib) << ", "; cout << (*it).getAttrib(capLenAttrib) << "/" ; cout << (*it).getAttrib(pktLenAttrib) << " bytes"; } catch( runtime_error err ) { cerr << "Error outputting packet attributes" << endl; } try { cout << " : proto " << (*it).getAttrib(ipProtoAttrib) << ", "; cout << (*it).getAttrib(ipSrcAttrib) << " -> " ; cout << (*it).getAttrib(ipDstAttrib); } catch( UnknownAttributeException unkAtt ) { // ignore, expected for non-IP pkts } if( tcpFilter->match(it) ) { cout << " TCP"; } if( udpFilter->match(it) ) { cout << " UDP"; } if( icmpFilter->match(it) ) { cout << " ICMP"; } if( shakespeareUdpFilter->match(it) ) { cout << " SHAKESPEARE_UDP"; } if( ozyTcpFilter->match(it) ) { cout << " OZYMANDIAS_TCP"; } cout << endl; count++; ++it; } cout << count << " packets." << endl; } // print out the count of packets cout << ethTrace.getAttrib("count") << " packets in trace." << endl; if( profile ) { times(&tms); cerr << "Iterated through trace : " << ( tms.tms_utime - checkpoint.tms_utime ) << " user, " << ( tms.tms_stime - checkpoint.tms_stime ) << " sys" << endl; checkpoint = tms; } // testAttribValues(); // print out the count of TCP packets //cout << "TCP packets: " << tcpSessions.getAttrib("count") << endl; if( printout_conversations ) { map<StreamKeyWrapper, Aggregate*>::const_iterator decompIt = ipDemuxed.substreamsBegin(); cout << "== IPv4 conversations ==" << endl; while( decompIt != ipDemuxed.substreamsEnd() ) { Trace *ipv4Stream = dynamic_cast<Trace*>(decompIt->second); cout << "** " << ipv4Stream->getStreamKey().toString() << ", " << ipv4Stream->getAttrib("count") << " packets" << ", " << ipv4Stream->getAttrib("bytecount") << " bytes" << endl; ++decompIt; } if( profile ) { times(&tms); cerr << "Iterated through IPv4 streams : " << ( tms.tms_utime - checkpoint.tms_utime ) << " user, " << ( tms.tms_stime - checkpoint.tms_stime ) << " sys" << endl; checkpoint = tms; } } if( printout_conversations ) { map<StreamKeyWrapper, Aggregate*>::const_iterator tcpIt = tcpSessions.substreamsBegin(); cout << "== TCP conversations ==" << endl; while( tcpIt != tcpSessions.substreamsEnd() ) { Trace *tcpStream = dynamic_cast<Trace*>(tcpIt->second); cout << "*** " << tcpStream->getStreamKey().toString() << ", " << tcpStream->getAttrib("count") << " packets" << ", " << tcpStream->getAttrib("bytecount") << " bytes" << ", " << tcpStream->getAttrib("bytecount_payload") << " bytes payload" << endl; ++tcpIt; } // print out the count of TCP packets cout << "TCP packets: " << tcpSessions.getAttrib("count") << endl; if( profile ) { times(&tms); cerr << "Iterated through TCP sessions : " << ( tms.tms_utime - checkpoint.tms_utime ) << " user, " << ( tms.tms_stime - checkpoint.tms_stime ) << " sys" << endl; checkpoint = tms; } } if( printout_conversations ) { map<StreamKeyWrapper, Aggregate*>::const_iterator udpIt = udpSessions.substreamsBegin(); cout << "== UDP conversations ==" << endl; while( udpIt != udpSessions.substreamsEnd() ) { Trace *udpStream = dynamic_cast<Trace*>(udpIt->second); cout << "*** " << udpStream->getStreamKey().toString() << ", " << udpStream->getAttrib("count") << " packets" << ", " << udpStream->getAttrib("bytecount") << " bytes" << endl; ++udpIt; } // print out the count of UDP packets cout << "UDP packets: " << udpSessions.getAttrib("count") << endl; if( profile ) { times(&tms); cerr << "Iterated through UDP sessions : " << ( tms.tms_utime - checkpoint.tms_utime ) << " user, " << ( tms.tms_stime - checkpoint.tms_stime ) << " sys" << endl; checkpoint = tms; } } // print out the count of ICMP packets /* Aggregate *icmp = ethTrace.subset( *icmpFilter ); if( icmp != NULL ) { cout << "ICMP packets: " << icmp->getAttrib("count") << endl; delete icmp; } else { cerr << "ethTrace.subset returned null for filter " << icmpFilter << endl; } if( profile ) { times(&tms); cerr << "Isolated ICMP packets : " << ( tms.tms_utime - checkpoint.tms_utime ) << " user, " << ( tms.tms_stime - checkpoint.tms_stime ) << " sys" << endl; checkpoint = tms; } */ /* Need to adjust this to deal with the fact that tcpSessions is a Decomposition Aggregate *ssh = tcpSessions.subset( *sshFilter ); if( ssh != NULL ) { cout << "SSH packets: " << ssh->getAttrib("count") << endl; delete ssh; } else { cerr << "ethTrace.subset returned null for filter " << sshFilter << endl; } if( profile ) { times(&tms); cerr << "Isolated SSH packets : " << ( tms.tms_utime - checkpoint.tms_utime ) << " user, " << ( tms.tms_stime - checkpoint.tms_stime ) << " sys" << endl; checkpoint = tms; } */ // print out the number of unique IP addresses // - note that there will probably be more than one value for ip.addr per packet, which will // have to be handled gracefully //ethTrace.addAttrib( "uniqueIPAddresses", SetAttribute( PacketAttribute( "ip.addr" ) ) ); //cout << "Number of unique IP addresses: " << ethTrace.getAttrib( "uniqueIPAddresses.count" ) << endl; // print out a histogram of inter-packet delays //ethTrace.addAttrib( "packetDelayHist", HistogramAttribute( PacketAttribute( "frame.time_delta" ) ) ); //cout << "Packet delay histogram: " << ethTrace.getAttrib( "packetDelayHist" ) << endl; // print out histograms for ssh, www, and imaps if( printout_histograms ) { Decomposition::const_iterator tcpIt = tcpSessions.substreamsBegin(); cout << "== SSH conversations ==" << endl; cout << tcpSessions.getAttrib("ssh_pkt_count") << " SSH packets" << endl; while( tcpIt != tcpSessions.substreamsEnd() ) { Trace *tcpStream = dynamic_cast<Trace*>(tcpIt->second); if( sshStreamFilter->match( tcpStream->getStreamKey() ) ) { cout << "*** " << tcpStream->getStreamKey().toString() << ", " << tcpStream->getAttrib("count") << " packets" << ", " << tcpStream->getAttrib("bytecount") << " bytes" << ", " << tcpStream->getAttrib("bytecount_payload") << " bytes payload" << endl; cout << "Length histogram: " << tcpStream->getAttrib("length_hist") << endl; cout << "Delay histogram: " << tcpStream->getAttrib("delay_hist") << endl; } ++tcpIt; } // print out the histogram of SSH packet lengths cout << tcpSessions.getAttrib("ssh_pkt_count") << " SSH packets" << endl; cout << "-- SSH TCP payload length histogram --" << endl; cout << tcpSessions.getAttrib("ssh_length_hist") << endl; } if( printout_histograms ) { Decomposition::const_iterator tcpIt = tcpSessions.substreamsBegin(); cout << "== WWW conversations ==" << endl; cout << tcpSessions.getAttrib("www_pkt_count") << " WWW packets" << endl; while( tcpIt != tcpSessions.substreamsEnd() ) { Trace *tcpStream = dynamic_cast<Trace*>(tcpIt->second); if( wwwStreamFilter->match( tcpStream->getStreamKey() ) ) { cout << "*** " << tcpStream->getStreamKey().toString() << ", " << tcpStream->getAttrib("count") << " packets" << ", " << tcpStream->getAttrib("bytecount") << " bytes" << ", " << tcpStream->getAttrib("bytecount_payload") << " bytes payload" << endl; cout << "Length histogram: " << tcpStream->getAttrib("length_hist") << endl; cout << "Delay histogram: " << tcpStream->getAttrib("delay_hist") << endl; } ++tcpIt; } // print out the histogram of WWW packet lengths cout << "-- WWW TCP payload length histogram --" << endl; cout << tcpSessions.getAttrib("www_length_hist") << endl; if( profile ) { times(&tms); cerr << "Iterated through WWW sessions : " << ( tms.tms_utime - checkpoint.tms_utime ) << " user, " << ( tms.tms_stime - checkpoint.tms_stime ) << " sys" << endl; checkpoint = tms; } } if( printout_histograms ) { Decomposition::const_iterator tcpIt = tcpSessions.substreamsBegin(); cout << "== IMAPS conversations ==" << endl; cout << tcpSessions.getAttrib("imaps_pkt_count") << " IMAPS packets" << endl; while( tcpIt != tcpSessions.substreamsEnd() ) { Trace *tcpStream = dynamic_cast<Trace*>(tcpIt->second); if( imapsStreamFilter->match( tcpStream->getStreamKey() ) ) { cout << "*** " << tcpStream->getStreamKey().toString() << ", " << tcpStream->getAttrib("count") << " packets" << ", " << tcpStream->getAttrib("bytecount") << " bytes" << ", " << tcpStream->getAttrib("bytecount_payload") << " bytes payload" << endl; cout << "Length histogram: " << tcpStream->getAttrib("length_hist") << endl; cout << "Delay histogram: " << tcpStream->getAttrib("delay_hist") << endl; } ++tcpIt; } // print out the histogram of IMAPS packet lengths cout << tcpSessions.getAttrib("imaps_pkt_count") << " IMAPS packets" << endl; cout << "-- IMAPS TCP payload length histogram --" << endl; cout << tcpSessions.getAttrib("imaps_length_hist") << endl; } delete ozyTcpFilter; delete ozyFilter; delete shakespeareUdpFilter; delete shakespeareFilter; delete icmpFilter; exit(0); }